Jeu du pendu
Jeu "Questions sur ma ville" |
A digital online version of the classic game to spell words. This version is ideal for spelling words in French. It can be used in online french language classes with beginners. Students can play in teams with one of them sharing his screen. The whole class can play as well if the teacher shares his/her screen. Ideal for beginners.
#FrancisationQC #edujeux #games4ed |
This digital version of a board game can be used in synchronous online courses. Students can play in teams (4 players) and answer questions about their current city. The game was designed to promote second language practice during online courses. Questions are in French.
#FrancisationQC #edujeux #Games4ed |
Devine le mot! |
Jeu "Faire connaissance" |
This gamified quiz presents the names of food in French. It was designed to be a individual game. But It can also be played in teams. It is ideal as a brainstorm activity to engage students in conversations about food and international ingredients.
This 'print-n-play' version is a board game ideal to review questions when meeting people. It has been used in classes with beginners students and works as a charm to make them talk about themselves and notice the difference between the pronouns 'tu' et 'vous'.
Le Tic-tac-toe de la conjugaison
This print-n-play version of the Tic-tac-toe game was designed for students to practice and memorize some of the most-used verbs in the simple past tense in French.